Kurulduğumuz ilk yıldan bugüne, vizyonumuzun ışığıyla dünya insanı yetiştirmeye, lise mezunlarımıza dünya üniversitelerinden kabuller aldırmaya devam ediyoruz!
Avrupa'nın, Birleşik Krallığın ve Amerika'nın en üst düzey üniversitelerinden kabuller alan öğrencilerimizi aşağıda görebilirsiniz. Kabuller geldikçe bu sayfa güncellenecektir. Tüm öğrencilerimiz ile tek tek gurur duyduğumuzun altını bir kez daha çiziyoruz.
Another offer for our Class of 2020 from The University of Nottingham | UK [QS World Ranking #22, UK Ranking #6].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 14, 2020
Our senior student Nazlı Warner has received an offer from this university for “International Media and Communications! Congratulations Nazlı! pic.twitter.com/e6EWiIEnvU
Another offer for our Class of 2020 from Royal Halloway, University of London | UK [Times UK Ranking #19].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 9, 2020
Our senior student Arian Salem has received an offer from this university for Business Management! Congratulations Arian! pic.twitter.com/09dLMQHajL
Another double university offers for TBS Class of 2020 has arrived! Congratulations Omayma!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 8, 2020
Our senior student Omayma Cherkaoui has received two offers from Sussex [Times: 12th UK] and Royal Halloway [ Times: 19th UK] | UK for History. pic.twitter.com/tLphFUYMOh
One more offer for our Class of 2020 from The University of Surrey | UK [QS UK Ranking #35].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 8, 2020
Our senior student Deyiş Top has received an offer from this university for Biomedical Science! Congratulations Deyiş! @UniOfSurrey pic.twitter.com/CRFLTb9BeR
Another offer for our Class of 2020 from Royal Halloway, University of London | UK [Times UK Ranking #19].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 8, 2020
Our senior student Samet Kurban has received an offer from this university for Business Management! Congratulations Samet! pic.twitter.com/rXzV1Jfhdk
Another double university offers for TBS Class of 2020 has arrived! Congratulations Uğurhan!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 3, 2020
Our senior student Uğurhan Ümit Ünal has received two offers from Greenwich and Westminster Universities | UK for Software Engineering. pic.twitter.com/XLar1QwFSh
Another university offer(s) for TBS Class of 2020 has arrived! Congratulations Kaan!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) December 24, 2019
Our senior student Kaan Durukan has received two offers from St Mary's and Bournemouth Universities | UK for Business Management. pic.twitter.com/pjcgbPzotr
The first university offer for TBS Class of 2020 has arrived! Congratulations Tan!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) December 23, 2019
Our senior student Tan Uluşahin has received an offer from the world's 83rd best university: @UniofGreenwich for Business Management. pic.twitter.com/LUBc7FXQ4B
Another offer from another UK university for our Class of 2019!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 5, 2020
Our senior student Tan Ulușahin has received an offer from The University of Brighton | UK for Business Management! Congratulations Tan! @uniofbrighton pic.twitter.com/oTfelNNPoy
Another offer for our Class of 2019 from The University of Surrey | UK [QS UK Ranking #35].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 7, 2020
Our senior student Bilge Koçoğlu has received an offer from this university for Biomedical Science! Congratulations Bilge! @UniOfSurrey pic.twitter.com/I1sOihBMzT
Another university offer(s) for TBS Class of 2020 has arrived! Congratulations Ergün!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 8, 2020
Our senior student Ergün Egemen Engin has received an offer from University of Essex | UK for Electric Engineering. @uniessex pic.twitter.com/TsisJO5agU
Another university offer for TBS Class of 2020 has arrived! Congratulations İpek!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 8, 2020
Our senior student İpek Urhan has received an offer from the world's 83rd best university: University of Greenwich | UK for Business Management. pic.twitter.com/iW3Gi4vGnG
Another student from the TBS Class of 2020 received two university offers! Congratulations Barkın!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 10, 2020
Our senior student Necati Barkın Kavak has received two offers from Westminster and University of Greenwich | UK for Business Management. pic.twitter.com/qYEEEeZI1z
That makes 4 offers! Congratulations again Akay!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 10, 2020
Our senior student Akay Bilgin has received two more offers from Bournemouth and University of Essex | UK for Tourism Management. @Uni_of_Essex @bournemouthuni pic.twitter.com/KHrXZh9Qkx
Another offer for our Class of 2020 from The University of Surrey | UK [QS UK Ranking #35].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 9, 2020
Our senior student Subiyi Dilixati has received an offer from this university for Biomedical Science! Congratulations Subiyi! @UniOfSurrey pic.twitter.com/Orz42JY0Gh
Another student from the TBS Class of 2020 received two university offers! Congratulations Mistral!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 15, 2020
Our senior student Mistral Cüneyt Sağnak has received two offers from Bournemouth and Greenwich Universities | UK for Business Management. pic.twitter.com/sZzdG5eqoi
Another offer from another UK university for our Class of 2020!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 15, 2020
Our senior student Samet Kurban has received an offer from The University of Westminster, London | UK for Business Management! Congratulations Samet! pic.twitter.com/w1k8kfZcRq
Triple offers this time! Congratulations Tarık! 🛰️🚀🛫
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 15, 2020
Our senior student Tarık Özer has received offers from Brunel for Aerospace Engineering (UK #11), Leeds for Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies and Management (UK #14) and Surrey (UK #23) for Aerospace Engineering. pic.twitter.com/OxwHCwN0tq
One more offer for our Class of 2020 from The University of Surrey | UK [QS UK Ranking #35]. Our senior student Taha Alp Ebcin has received an offer from this university for Biomedical Science! Congratulations Taha! @UniOfSurrey pic.twitter.com/6zvj3rz9o1
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 16, 2020
Another student from the TBS Class of 2020 received two university offers! Congratulations Tan!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 16, 2020
Our senior student Tan Öztan has received two offers from Surrey [QS UK Ranking #35] and Reading Universities [QS UK Ranking #40] | UK for Biomedical Science. pic.twitter.com/kk710pnY2P
Congratulations Turgut for receiving an offer from London Metropolitan Universitiy for Business Management! pic.twitter.com/3XXz3p4xXK
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 16, 2020
Another offer from another UK university for our Class of 2020!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 17, 2020
Our senior student Ali Uygar Öztürk has received an offer from Goldsmiths, University of London | UK for International Relations! Congratulations Ali! pic.twitter.com/gX1VddNNH0
One more offer for our Class of 2020 from The University of Sussex | UK [QS UK Ranking #32].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 17, 2020
Our senior student Deyiş Top has received an offer from this university for Biomedical Science! Congratulations Deyiş! pic.twitter.com/07NrYWZeS0
Another offer for our Class of 2020 from University of Leeds | UK [Times UK Ranking: #22].
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 20, 2020
Our senior student Kutay Uysaler has received an offer from this university for Computer Science with High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering. Congratulations Kutay! pic.twitter.com/cRhRiPfSNz
Another offer from Westminster, London for our Class of 2020!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 20, 2020
Our senior student Çağlayan Sera Turgay has received an offer from University of Westminster, London | UK for Music: Production, Performance and Enterprise! Congratulations Sera! pic.twitter.com/JpnCh9SZg1
Another offer for our Class of 2020 from The University of Nottingham | UK [QS World Ranking #22, UK Ranking #6]. Our senior student Burak Yiğ has received an offer from this university for “Mechanical Engineering! Congratulations Burak! pic.twitter.com/DadbKBbbcw
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 22, 2020
Congratulations Bilge! Our senior student Caelan Bilge Reece has received an offer from the world's 83rd best university: University of Greenwich | UK for Graphic and Digital Design. @UniofGreenwich pic.twitter.com/qstK0sXwno
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 22, 2020
Another offer from another UK university for our Class of 2020!
— TBS (@ingilizokullari) January 23, 2020
Our senior student Damla Ülkü Kalafat has received an offer from Kingston University | UK for Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations Damla! pic.twitter.com/WYCjl1eNyp